Distributorship Engagement Ceremony (Hangzhou, China) From L-R, Will Wan, Sales Manager – Geely International, Jenny Guang Yu, – Deputy General Manager – Geely International, Mikihisa Takayama, President- Sojitz G Auto Philippines, Yoshihiko Tsuruta, Deputy General Manager – Automotive Department 2, Sojitz Corporation Japan

Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) has acquired distributorship rights for Geely Auto in the Republic of the Philippines (“Philippines”), establishing Sojitz G Auto Philippines Corporation (“SGAP”) as a fully-owned subsidiary to import and sell GEELY-brand vehicles.

Geely Auto is China’s largest privately-owned automotive manufacturer. Its parent company, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group (“Geely”), has acquired the Volvo, London Taxi, and Lotus brands in recent years, as well as acquiring stake in PROTON, the largest automobile manufacturer in Malaysia, and last year, it became the largest shareholder in Daimler , the corporation which owns Mercedes-Benz. Geely has established the Lynk & Co brand as a joint venture with Volvo Cars. Using the sophisticated technologies, production techniques, and high-quality components gained through collaboration with foreign brands, Geely Auto as a mobility solution provider is not only growing its business in China, but actively working to expand operations abroad.

Sojitz has been involved with the Philippines’ auto industry since the 1960s. Our company commands ample experience in automotive sales and knowledge of auto financing in the Philippines, and we operate automotive distributorships for a number of brands around the world. Through this new company, Sojitz will help introduce GEELY brand to the increasingly motorized Philippines market and contribute to the further advancement of the country’s automotive industry.

Related Information:

[Company Overview – Sojitz G Auto Philippines Corporation]

Established March 2019
Head Office Quezon City
Representative Director Mikihisa Takayama
Ownership Sojitz: 100%
Main Business Importing, selling, and providing after sales service for GEELY-brand vehicles

[Company Overview – Geely Auto]

Established 1997
Head Office 1760 Jiangling Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Ownership Zhejiang Geely Holding Group: 44%
Main Business Manufacturing automobiles and automotive parts

(Major models: SUVs, passenger cars, MPV, EV/PHEV, etc.)