11 December 2015, Hangzhou China. Hangzhou’s famed West Lake, globally known for its ancient bridges, scenic views and quiet pagodas has gained another attraction: The Geely GC9.

Hangzhou’s Police Department have chosen the Geely GC9 as their new police vehicle for 2016 and will actively take part in policing Hangzhou’s streets as well as carrying out VIP escorts around the municipal area.

The Chinese government has actively promoted the use of domestic Chinese brands for use within police and governmental work, however to date many brands have not reached the high standards that the Police force require from its vehicles owing to the nature of police work. A spokesman for Hangzhou Municipal Police Force commented: “The Geely GC9 in terms of performance, driving ability and technology levels is outstanding.” The spokesmen continued: “We carried out a series of tests on the GC9 including high speed chase performance, acceleration and sudden braking, we believe that the GC9 is the best choice for our daily needs.”

The Geely GC9 has gone from strength to strength in the Chinese market with the vehicle regularly outselling its international rivals in the Chinese market, sales in November alone reached over 5400 units. The GC9 has also gone into service with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs own diplomatic fleet in early 2015 with 50 GC9’s heading straight into service receiving foreign dignitaries in the capital city.

The G20 Meeting, the annual meeting of the top 20 performing economies will be held in Hangzhou in 2016 where the Geely GC9 police fleet will be out in force maintaining order and escorting state guests to the meeting.

Hangzhou is not the first city to see the Geely GC9 being put into work as a police or civil service vehicle, Chongqing, Changsha, Ningbo and Huzhou etc have also purchased Geely GC9 fleets.